Vendor Spotlight – G.R.



Gary Robinson has been selling for Groundcover News for 2 years. He grew up in Ypsilanti and found Groudcover (GCN) through a friend that was also selling for GCN. At the time he was homeless and needed something to help him get on his feet again.

He soon grew to be a fast seller and took advantage of the opportunity to be employed in a way that was comfortable for him. Gary buys between 600-700 papers a month from GCN and then is able to sell them to customers at GCN’s price of $2.


With the support of selling the paper and any donations he receives while doing it, Gary is now able to afford to pay for rent with a friend of his. He is a great example of GCN’s mission to help vendors go from homeless and unemployed to housed and employed.

As far as his daily experiences, Gary has formed relationships with the businesses he sells in front of and his daily customers.

“They are helping all of us at Groundcover, but if I treat people right then they will treat me right,” said Gary.

Since his start with GCN, Gary has also attended a 9 month rehab program that he is proud to come out of ready to sell again.

You can find Gary selling GCN in front of Starbucks on Main and Liberty. That is his favorite spot to sell and typically is there 6 days a week.


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JUNE 16, 2023 ISSUE: Is Felicia Wilbert's "Randy the Racer" Truth or Lies?